Dubai’s recent storms have left many homes needing extensive repairs – here’s how to get back on track

Dubai recently endured the worst storm and downpour in 75 years and it’s taking some time to get life back to normal – especially for homeowners, many of whom are still dealing with water leaks, electrical outages, property damage, burst pipes, flooding and more.

The good news is the sun is back out and shining, but there are jobs that need tackling first (and fast).

Here are a few Breathe maintenance tips for your consideration.

Safety first

Before diving into any DIY, ensure that it’s safe to enter your home. Be aware of any obvious structural damage and hazards, stay away from your electrical sockets and power outlets if you have lost power. Any significant damage that you’re unsure of, please call and wait for professional assistance.

Assess the damage

Carefully inspect your property to assess the extent of any water damage. Look for signs of water ingress throughout your property, such as water pooling, discoloured walls, sagging ceilings and warped floors. Taking note of the damage will help you prioritise repairs and communicate effectively with professionals if needed.

Act quickly

Time is of the essence when dealing with water damage. Mold can begin to develop within 24-48 hours of exposure to moisture, so it’s crucial to start the drying process as soon as possible. Use fans, dehumidifiers, and open windows to increase air circulation and aid in drying out the affected areas.

Water tank issues

It’s important to know that due to Dubai’s infrastructure of mains drainage and surface water drainage pipes, when there are large volumes of rainwater the emirate’s drainage system cannot handle the rate of flow. This unfortunately allows not only your own home waste to spill out to ground level but everyone else’s within the close vicinity. As a result, wastewater contaminates surface water and inevitably finds its way into your water storage tank when located underground. This is a biohazard, and dangerous and harmful bacteria often ends up going into tanks. Alongside this, the dirt sand and debris also flowing through the surface water ends up in the same place, resulting in major breakdowns of expensive replacement pumps that provide you with fresh water into your home. That’s why you must seek advice from experts to ensure your water tank is operational and safe.

Remove water and moisture

Use pumps, wet vacuums, or buckets to remove standing water from your home. Once the excess water is removed, focus on drying out the space thoroughly. Pay special attention to areas that are prone to retaining moisture, such as carpets, rugs, carpentry and drywalls.

Sanitise and disinfect

Floodwater can carry contaminants and bacteria, posing health risks to you and your family. Thoroughly clean and disinfect all surfaces and belongings that came into contact with the water. This includes furniture, all flooring, kitchen appliances, and any item external water sources may have touched.

Inspect for mold

Even after drying out your home, there’s still a risk of mold growth, especially in humid climates like Dubai. Keep an eye out for any signs of mold, such as musty odours or visible growth. If you spot mold, address it promptly to prevent further damage and potential health issues. It is advisable to continue the use of dehumidifiers and air filters long after you think the issue has been resolved.

Get the professionals in

While some water damage repairs can be attempted by doing it yourself, it’s often best to enlist the help of professionals, especially for extensive damage or mold remediation. A reputable Dubai maintenance company can provide expertise and specialised equipment to ensure thorough restoration.

Want some help from the Breathe professionals? Drop us a message now.